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This article explains how to install Dojang.

Homebrew (macOS & Linux)

Dojang can be automatically installed via Homebrew by downloading its executable. Enter the following command in the terminal:

$ brew tap dahlia/dojang
$ brew install --cask dahlia/dojang/dojang


If you want to build it manually instead of downloading the executable, use the --formula option instead of the --cask option.

Scoop (Windows)

Dojang can be automatically installed via Scoop by downloading its executable. Enter the following command in the terminal:

$ scoop bucket add dojang
$ scoop install dojang

Build it manually

Dojang is a program made in Haskell, so you need to install the Haskell Tool Stack. Please refer to the installation guide on the Stack official website to install the Stack. If you can use the stack command in the terminal, the installation is complete.

Now you are ready to build Dojang. Enter the following command in the terminal:

$ git clone
$ cd dojang/
$ stack build
$ stack install

The stack install command installs the dojang executable in the ~/.local/bin directory. You can now use the dojang command.

If you want to install it in a different directory, use the stack install command with the --local-bin-path option. For example, the following command will install the dojang executable in the ~/bin directory:

$ stack install --local-bin-path ~/bin